Is eating bananas whole gay?
I say to hell with 'hetiquette' nonsense! #toxicmasculity https://t.co/KKrx0lImiW— Ian Forrester (@cubicgarden) July 21, 2018
I could not believe what I was reading when I saw eating Bananas without breaking it up was in some circles could suggest you were gay?
I eat bananas but do tend to break them into 2 or 3 pieces mainly because its quite unmanageable to fit one in my mouth. But this absolutely nothing to do with my sexuality or sexual preference!
Hertiqette is total stupidity and absolute nonsense, but for some (sadly) its a way of life. The idea of gender on a spectrum has yet to take hold.
I was already surprised/shocked/annoyed at the banana thing then I read further.
Richard Hammond, a very manly, very heterosexual man who drives fast cars on the Amazon motoring show The Grand Tour, said he didn’t eat ice-cream: “It’s something to do with being straight.”
This is total bollox! Then we reach the drink thing…
A 2010 study, Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche, found that when men have to make a snap decision about what they consume, they choose whatever their intrinsic preference is, even if it’s coded “feminine”. They’ll opt for that tasty pink drink at the bar instead of a more manly-seeming whiskey, for example.
And I will never forget the date when I ordered a pint for my date and a cosmopolitan for myself. Some random man came up to us and said think you got the drinks around the wrong way? We laughed it off but actually how flipping rude was that guy and how dare he impose his narrow-minded views on a random couple?
James Wilkie, assistant professor of marketing at University of Notre Dame, who co-authored the study, explains that women aren’t as sensitive about making appropriate choices because they’re not penalized in the same way that men are. “If anything,” says Wilkie, “a woman might get compliments if she orders a more manly drink at the bar.” We live in a culture which rewards acting in stereotypically ‘male’ ways and punishes ‘female’ behaviour. Sad as it may be, this extends to the manner in which you eat a banana.
This is all such bollox and needs to die. Sooner the better!