Rescuetime are meant to be working on a Linux version of their plugin but while we wait others are eating into their area.
We’ve already seen how Zeitgiest and Project Hamster could work together really nice. But this time theres another contender with some interesting ambitions…
Arya is a simple Gnome 3 Shell extension that adds up how much time you spend using each of your applications. It’s not very fully featured yet, but in the future it will hopefully be a useful extension.
Things to come
- Pretty graphs to show app usage over time
- Activity level monitoring to suggest when you should take a break
Sounds like something else I’ve heard before… right? Rescuetime…?
If I was rescuetime I would get my hooks into Ayra now and either support Rescuetime inside of Ayra or use the source code to create your own plugin…
I know its only Gnome3 but maybe like Unity App-indicators it can work across different linux shells?