Tech needs more masculine energy? Really?!

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg says companies need more 'masculine energy ...

This is such nonsense, more masculine energy? A sector which has struggled to be more inclusive and full of sexism? I put it to Mark and all the others with this warped sense of what it means to be a man; you haven’t got a clue.

Men dominate most high-paying and high-status fields. A large majority of high-level corporate executives, from vice presidents and senior vice presidents to C.E.O.s and C.F.O.s, are men. In the world of Silicon Valley — that is to say, Zuckerberg’s world — women remain a minority. About 25 percent of tech jobs are held by women, and according to a 2021 report, a scant 4.7 percent of companies in the Silicon Valley 150 have a woman as chief executive, compared with the roughly 6 percent of companies in the S&P 500 that can say the same.

Jamelle Bouie

Its pretty disgusting to see the tech elite dripping over the change in American administration. They are demonstrating what I class as (although I do take the point of Richard Reeves) Toxic masculinity. Where is their backbone, where is their values? Pandering to this new administration because you are lining your already endless pockets of money says much more about these billionaires than anything. If this is masculine energy, then I’m not interested. I call total bollox on the whole thing!

When trump signed the executive order to leave the Paris agreement (complete with a drill baby drill comment) and join Iran, Yeman and Libya (you got to look at who you are joining!) I almost threw up in my mouth.

Author: Ianforrester

Senior firestarter at BBC R&D, emergent technology expert and serial social geek event organiser. Can be found at, and