A long time ago I agreed to do a in-depth interview with Mozilla’s storyengine.io.
We did a audio interview but had to redo part of it due to running over time. I did warn them, I do tend to chat a lot. But when I saw the transcript, even I was shocked at how much I do say and the amount of “like” & “ummms” was scary.
After some solid collaborative editing and some hard deadlines. We got it down to the 66mins of reading (according to my wallabag reader).
Its a good read and I like the storyengine project, which includes many of the other people I have spacewrangled alongside or met through Mozilla.
Massive thanks to Christine & Alecia
Also on the side, its good to learn about hypothes.is, which is a open platform/software, non-profit annotation system, based on the w3C’s annotation recommendations.