The advantage of having 1gig broadband (hyperfast) is the change of behaviour. Yes you can consume more and very quickly but its the symmetric nature which makes it interesting.
I have been running Plex media server for a while mainly to keep a track of my media, as I’m still running Kodi as the front ends.
One feature of plex media server is the ability to stream media to friends. Sitting on 1gig, I can share with a few close friends without even noticing. Its pretty seamless too, as long as they are using plex as a client. Luckily there are clients for many operating systems and devices including the xbox, playstation, firetv, chromecast, etc.
Its good, I once had 4 different friends watching media from my single core celeron server one evening. Did I notice? Nope, except when I noticed the activity indicator was lit up.
This got me thinking theres got be a way to visualise this stuff? Of course others have thought about the same and I installed Plex py.
Pretty cool eh?
The only downside right now is my single core server with 5400rpm drives (helps with the cooling) is rubbish at transcoding full HD content, especially burning in subtitles. Maybe its time for a server upgrade?
I’m also not certain about running everything through Plex, wondering what other solutions there might be which can work in a similar way.
Sharing is caring…
Advantages of 1gig broadband: sharing and caring with plex media server https://t.co/ZOCiqbUEcd https://t.co/i0h0CszpKK
I am looking at Intel’s C2550 mini ATX boards from Supermicro for a nice NAS. But also for proper media transcoding the Gigabyte Brix mini PC is best, you could put it next to your existing NAS and host Plex there instead of on the NAS.