One day I’ll meet Sarah Ryan, as she gives some great advice, this one included. The last point resonated with me .
Just Say Hello There is a chance, dare I say it, that you may come across someone dashingly handsome or delightfully beautiful in your local coffee shop or whilst picking up a loaf of bread at Waitrose. What is the worst that can happen if you just say hello, ask for the time or ask where they purchased an item they are donning? It may seem like a daunting task but we can not hide behind our laptops & iphones forever in dating- we do have to tackle the human element to make a relationship work. Top Tip: Try saying hello to someone new everyday, wherever, whenever. You never know who you might meet!
Sarah is right, the thing which mainly stops people is the fear of rejection. I was showing my blog about myself to a colleague a while ago and they asked me, what goes through my mind when I do the things I do?
I said, I do have that level of fear which naturally comes to everybody but I dampen it down quickly and not let it fester in my mind. I feel the longer you let it fester, the more likely you won’t act or so anything.
But on the same point, the opportunities and experiences I have had, make it even easier to do it again and push myself even further.
The other day I was in North Tea Power with my headphones off as usual, working away on visual perceptive media. I heard a women next to me talking on the phone, but she happen to say….
“Things would be so much easier if there was one ontology for everything….“
After she finished, before the fear crept in, I repeated back to her the statement and added a question mark to it (aka raised my voice at the end) From that moment we were off talking for about 20mins. Learned a lot about her and she may have learned a lot about me. Such a lovely conversation we had…
Funny enough (on a related note) Sherry Turkle has been popping up here and there recently…
I bought her excellent book Alone Together and haven’t started on the new one, reclaiming conversation.
I was listening to the Tech news today #1418 special with her and happen to tweet it, when Martin pointed out she was on Radio 4 at that exact moment (the beauty of serendipity and being open to it)
Just catching @STurkle on technewstoday, a must listen! https://t.co/kX9tedOVMR
— Ian Forrester (@cubicgarden) January 6, 2016
@cubicgarden @STurkle on Radio 4 right now too
— Martin Bryant (@MartinSFP) January 6, 2016
So I checked it out, BBC Radio 4 today,. Interesting stuff… Expect another blog entry about this and more Sherry Turkle thoughts soon..
Just say hello… good advice from @FabSarahRyan https://t.co/0LvFRJ7BBQ https://t.co/soOHla5scJ