I’m on BBC Merseyside radio again with Jody and Ngunan tonight (Sunday 17th November). This time its the height debate…
To be very clear this is the debate.
How many women would go out with someone shorter than themselves?
How many men would go out with someone taller than themselves?
Why in 2013 is this still a issue beyond seeking perfection?
I wrote about this before, but it was mixed up in a number of other issues. Of course I’m taking the modern/progressive view that it shouldn’t really matter but I do get that its a real issue for many people. I’m lucky being almost 6ft tall, so I generally tower over most women even with heels on. Some would suggest this is all frankly stupid but you can’t avoid the fact society, the media and our social circles all point to a man should be taller than a woman.
This therefore means there is a raft of tall women who are imminently discriminated against. And of course a ton of men who are also discriminated against, simply because they don’t match the stereotypical height. This is a crying shame… And what for? The search for perfection?
Interestingly from the rules revisited…
The perfect height for a woman is somewhere between 5′ 2″ and 5′ 6″. Most women think this is too short, but this is only because they misunderstand what men like about women. In this range, a woman can be sexy in heels without being too tall and cute without them. Men love women with the ability to be both.
Disclaimer: I am 6′ 2″ and this is only my opinion. The important part is the last sentence.
Even I have to admit although I love tall women, my longer relationships have been with shorter women usually between 5ft 1 and 5ft 5. Its certainly not like I seek them out, it just has been in the past. I would prefer a women about my height, so I don’t have to bend down all the time. (actually have a funny or somewhat funny story about this when I was at school). Heels I have to admit are nice, so if she was taller in heels or even without it wouldn’t be a problem for me. But I would expect some comments from people about the fact she was taller. Why is that?
You can listen live online or with the BBC iplayer app and of course it will be on BBC iplayer catch up for a week afterwards. I’m hoping we can take some calls too, as there usually lots of fun. I’ll also make a archive of it again as usual.
@cubicgarden I used to think I preferred tall guys till I met my husband who’s just a bit taller than me (I’m 5’3″)…
@cubicgarden but you realise that when you meet the perfect person for you, height is totally irrelevant. It’s just society’s expectations.
@cubicgarden you can wear flats & be sexy too. On our first date I wore a t-shirt, mini skirt, flats & leg warmers & now we’re married 😉
not long till @bbcmerseyside’s debate over height, you can tune in live on @bbciplayer – http://t.co/5sjj6inlvc
@cubicgarden @bbcmerseyside @BBCiPlayer How about 1/500Km (0.002Km) & 0.12Tonne.