I may have messed up the dates but for some reason I thought the Carson Workshops Future of webapps was on the same day as the BBC's digital futures conference. It looks like a early email mistake by someone might have been at fault. Either way I ended up going to the BBC's digital futures and not the future of webapps, but Licence to Roam's Racheal Clarke has written up quite a few of her notes which have been really useful. Thanks for that Racheal. Paul Hammond told me I need to check out Tom Coates presentation.
I'm tempted to upload my notes from digital future but one I don't/didn't write many notes and two my dyslexic mind means my notes make a lot of sense to me but not to anyone else. I usually have to tiidy stuff up afterwards if I'm going to give my notes to someone else. By the way I tried using Gobby which is the opensource and cross platform version of subedit on the mac. But not many people were using laptops and of those who were, they were all mac users. Anyhow I believe although it was a BBC staff event I'm sure I can talk about it publicly without a problem.
So who were the guests?
- Ron Pompei
- Matt Webb
- Dan Hon and Adrian Hon
- Natalie Jeremijenko
- Jeffrey Veen
Honestly I actually enjoyed every single presentation and they were really varied. Natalie Jeremijenko was great but I quickly realised I had heard her before on IT Conversations. The only thing new I saw was the excellent idea of Howstuffismade.org But it was great to see her live and see the videos of the OOZ robotics and the feral robotics dogs project. It was great to see the Dan and Adrian Hon doing a presentation about Perplex City which is the first major ARG in the UK. And one I was involved in from day one. I was quite suprised by the openness of there presentation, as it seems they have lower the curtain and made the game a… game? Something which the American ARG's are very strict about. For those who have never checked out ARGs check out these links.. The curtain issue is like a line in the sand between the players and the game creators. In some previous ARGs the line has been over stepped and it was not uncommon for puppetmasters (general term used as they pull the strings of the game, I prefer game creators) to go into hiding during a game because people will and have followed them around as part of the game. I talked with Dan and Adrian a lot afterwards about there openness and previous mistakes by other games. I wanted to ask the questions in public at the event but didn't get a chance. But moving on, as I got a feeling I will end up back at ARGs again at some point soon.
Matt Webb was good but owning his book Mind Hacks meant I had heard and seen quite a lot of the presentation already. I think Matt gave a good presentation on a very difficult subject to present. He may have lost a few people on the way but made everything easily understandable by the end. I didn't get much time to talk to him afterwards but I'm sure our paths will cross at somepoint again. Talking of which. Matt Blackbelt Jones was the event afterwards and said he was subscriber to my blog and to keep up the good work. I was kind of blown away, like when I heard Doc Searls also reads this blog at one point. I wanted to ask Matt why he reads and how he deals with all the rants and grammer mistakes but he was on his way out, so maybe next time. Ron Pompei started ok and got much better towards the end. He talked about the different sides of people and our own ideniity. I think my notes on this one presentation will make more sense than any other. One thing to note was the progression graph which struck me as very cluetrainish.
Co author instead of consumer. dialogue instead of message, journey instead of the desitination, cooperation over corporation and status activities instead of status objects.
Jeffery Veen was fantastic and really rattled through his presentation which was about the buzz of Web 2.0 and why he felt it could be Bubble 2.0. After looking at what others thought of Web 2.0 including the audience and Tim O'reilly. He went on to prove that although Web 2.0 may be buzz word it does have some elements which do show a certain progression forward. Even out of the boom and bust cycle which has been going on for decades The whole presentation is here and worth looking at.