Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had no option but to move the BBC Creative Archive project lecture forward to 1:30pm today.
There will be a live chat room and discussion forum for all students, staff and guests to ask questions and discuss the creaitive archive and creative commons before and after the lecture. It is advised that any burning questions should be posted to the forum before the lecture, so they can stand a chance of being read out during the Questions and Answers portion of the lecture.
There will also be a live audio stream for all to listen to during the event. Feel free to forward this entry on to others who may be interested.
After the event
I've posted up the pictures from yesterday. I am currently working on the audio which is safe on 2 hard drives. Its in 128k mp3 format right now, but I will convert it to a few others today once I've cleaned it up. I may also chop it up a bit. With regards to the video, its still on the imac which we used for capturing V tapes suck as we all know). I'm hoping I can transfer the lot over to a powerbook and sort out that footage as well as the copyright vs community lecture videos.
I dont know what everyone else thought, but besides the audio problems with the stream and the lack of a DV camera tripod. It all went quite well in the end. Actually thinking back there was a major blow to the online side of things when Roman tested the learn.rave site to see if he could post a few questions. Low and behold guests were not able to post on the forum and join the chat session. I tried to change it so guests could join and post but moodle was not having none of it. Because of this I never told students to login and so when they were urged to login, they did not know there raveID and password would work. Serious case of test it yourself beforehand, would have highlighted the problem in advance! Oh well…
In the after meeting, it was discussed that Paula's lecture was so fantastic and made so much sense that it was like a breath of fresh air. But it was a real shame that only 4 members of staff turned up in the end. Saying that we dont know who was listening in, we have not looked at the logs yet. The break came perfectly timed which was great and Jamie's comment about the Creative commons being typicaly american made him look very bad in the audiences eyes. Even I was suprised to see Mylz, JC and few others argue back against him. Maybe the message of the day was not lost on the audience?