After the axon run around in piccadilly yesterday evening, most of us went to to eat. So we got to know each other alot better. Despite the terriable service in Deep Pan pizza we had a good time. And I got speaking to Flidget Jerome. Well theres a lot more to Flidget, than meets the eye. But one of the most interesting facts about her, is shes a very good Anime artist.
You can find more at her website evilgiraffe.
Day: 3 October 2004
the bbc creative archive project lecture
Project Syzygy

A new game is starting and the puppet masters are based in London. I'm hoping they will build on a lot of the new and interesting technologies and cultural differences there is in europe. Its starting soon and you need to drop a email to address if you want to be involved.
First thing guys, what is up with this metadata? – < meta name="keywords" content="TE OE K MQD J JE IFUDT JXU HUIJ EV OE KH BY VU IU BBYDW IKWQ HUT M QJUH EH TE OEK MQDJ JE…" > and why is there a wrongly writen fibonacci sequence? More clues and thoughts can be found in the unfiction forum.