Love following Ade and hearing some of the things he comes out with…
People’s enthusiasm for federated decentralised $WHATEVER seems inversely proportional to the practicality of their plan for achieving it
And tell the truth he’s right… but one day someone will crack it and find a new business model which makes it all worth it.
On a related noted, suddenly everyones thinking about federated decentralised services with the discovery of what WebRTC is capable of doing.
One such use is decentralised chat rooms, which for some reason hit some of the smaller press.
The ICT division of NTT Group announced a free trial of the app, WebRTC Chat on Skyway, on Monday. WebRTC, or real-time communications, is a free, open-source project that turns supported web browsers into telephony engines so that devices can connect via IM, video, or voice chat.
Being open source, hopefully some of the enthusiasm will rub off on smart developers, and we’ll finally see non-vapourware?