Can’t believe I’ve not blogged about this epic rant about The Future Of Interaction Design.
Tony highlighted it to me and for once, we were in agreement… The future of interaction design is not glass interfaces and pictures/icons/pictograms under it…
Theres some great examples of why pictures under glass doesn’t work…
Okay then, how do we manipulate things? As it turns out, our fingers have an incredibly rich and expressive repertoire, and we improvise from it constantly without the slightest thought. In each of these pictures, pay attention to the positions of all the fingers, what’s applying pressure against what, and how the weight of the object is balanced:
Absolutely the amount of gestures, positions and repertoire fingers can perform is dazzling.
Remember the saying for tricks, the hand is quicker than the eye…
So what is the Future Of Interaction?
The most important thing to realize about the future is that it’s a choice. People choose which visions to pursue, people choose which research gets funded, people choose how they will spend their careers.
I could jump in with a rant about how certain companies are limiting choice but I won’t…
I believe that hands are our future…
Absolutely! 3 things pointing at the early future of the interaction…