Good day, happy new year and looking forward to a new decade with you all!
We live in incredible times with such possibilities that is clear. Although its easily dismissed by looking at the next US election or at the endless denial about explainable algorithms.
To quote Buckminster Fuller “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
You are seeing aspects of this happening with Finland’s new prime minister, Sanna Marin at the age of 34, focusing on climate change.
The threat of quantum computing explained
Ian thinks: This is a serious challenger for so much of the encrypted systems we rely on daily.
Why do people listen to Greta?
Ian thinks: Makes a really strong point about creativity. It something I also worry we forget as it doesn’t conveniently fit our tired metrics.
A critical look at economical value
Ian thinks: Mariana makes some great points about different types of value.
Anarchy, Federation, IndieWeb the Fedverse
Ian thinks: Defining yourself in opposition to something else, doesn’t give you enough conceptual space is why I always quoting Buckminster Fuller
EFF’s deep dive into public key encryption
Ian thinks: Its one of those things which is banded about but few people when asked can explain it as well as the EFF
Webxray gives an insight behind the webpage
Ian thinks: The Webxray tool which runs on Linux & Mac is quite impressive to use. Gives a real insight into whats going on in the web when it comes tracking and the advertisement ecosystem
Decentralisation isn’t just about the internet
Ian thinks: The importance of decentralised networks applies to more than just the internet
Jason Silva interviews Kevin Kelly
Ian thinks: Technology, drugs, spiritualism its all in there and its quite a interview too.
Real People, Doing Real Things segment on teamhuman
Ian thinks: The new segment is welcomed on teamhuman and botsentinel is a good project to start with.
Jack Dorsey funding a decentralised twitter
Ian thinks: When I first heard this I almost fell off my chair, then thought this is classic innovators dilemma or twitter seeing the writing on the wall?