3d operating system? : project looking glass

Picture of project looking glass, the 3d os

Oh this is nice, this is really really nice… Oh what would it be like to program applications to take advantage of 3D?
Project Looking Glass Demo
Theres a lack of any detail on the website and datasheet, but the demo says it all I believe.

I have to agree with others that even though it looks good, I dont know how useful it will be 2, 4, 6, 12 months down the line? Makes me wonder is this java3D what Sun were talking about ages ago? Thanks for the link kartika…

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I’m eating my words…HDTV hits the UK

Euro 1080

Well actually Europe.
Euro1080 was launched on January 1st 2004 and is the first channel to broadcast exclusively in High Definition throughout Europe. HDTV uses more pixels and lines to produce a high-quality image. Euro1080 also offers high-quality content: sports, music, shows and cultural events are being broadcasted by satellite with best quality surround sound, in HDTV format.

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Will America ever embrace Messaging?

I ask the question because I see little evidance to say the opposite. Yes we know American operators dont really have at best interopable media messaging, at worst any text messaging (Sprint?). The reason is unknown, except to say there has to be a reason why PTT has launched in America and not anywhere else yet. Could this be because Americans are not ready to accept messaging in any form?

Been thinking about it over the week and there could be a few reasons to the lack of embrace.
First up what country still uses pagers? which country did the two way pager launch in? What happened when the CB radio came to other countrys like the Europe and Asia? Did we embrace it? Hey and what country uses it the most by percentage still? Yes America. Makes sense in the light of push to talk services eh?
On the other side America companys are hell bent on banning camera phones so I have no idea if messaging will grow even if it natrually does.

What other evdance do i need? I rest my case…for now.

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alternative to blogger apps

I need an alternative to blogger apps, because one of the interaction blogs is going great but I think the other one would get going if there was a simple way to blog without owning a laptop, going home or the obvious webadmin thingy. So I've been playing with pop2blog and blojsim again…But I believe none of them work in the multiuser backdrop of Blojsom 2. Which is a shame because I really need to keep the momentium going. Which reminds me I need to transfer Blojsom to a college server at some point in the near future. Mines fine for now, but I can not offer any backup or promises that things will stay up… Users use at there own risk basicly.

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Xcal : Progress on Calendar

Started doing more work on the Calendar part of my website. Finally got cocoon to read inside of a Xcal. So now its more a matter of how do I actually put the xcals in the webdav directory. Once there in there I can write a classy transformer so you can read most of the information online, but also add the xcal to your calendar. I do believe xcals are accepted by all ical compatable applications? The rdf version was also a option but I can easily enable that if more accept that…

Found some useful links too.
Mozilla Calendar Notes and Queries

iCalendar DTD Document (xCal)

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Pronom a new service for 2004

Was flying through Openoffice.org today looking for enough information to contribute to the National Archives Pronom application. And came across this nice openoffice ebook which is free to download and read online.

What is Pronom? Well let them tell you…

PRONOM is a database of information about the technical dependencies upon which access to electronic records may rely. It contains information about the file formats in which electronic records may be stored, the software products required to create, render and migrate these formats, and the vendors who develop these products. It includes product support life cycle information, to facilitate technology watch within digital archives. The PRONOM database can be searched online, and reports produced in a variety of formats. The system currently holds details of, 550 file formats, 250 software products, and 100 vendors, and records are being added on a regular basis. We also actively encourage the submission of new information for inclusion on PRONOM, and an online submission form is provided for this purpose. The website also includes details of our plans for significant future developments to both the content and the functionality of the system.

PRONOM was developed by The National Archives' Digital Preservation Department, as a tool to support TNA's own digital archive. However, we hope and anticipate that PRONOM will also provide a valuable resource for the wider digital preservation community. As such, we very much welcome feedback on both the current version of PRONOM and our future plans. All feedback should be sent to: pronom@nationalarchives.gov.uk

More information can be found under the menu on the left side of PRONOM Go check it out and contribute more information.

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Atari ST Emulator

Andy pointed me to a crazy website which does odd things on the first page. Actually its so bad on Opera that you have to pretend to be IE for it to load a page. But it turns out to be a great resource for emulators. I'm dying to try out some of the ST emulators. If I can emulate a Atari Falcon which was 32bit and had 24bit colour on my pc I will be extremly happy…

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Content Management is for losers

Douglas Rushkoff cartoon view

Rushkoff stirs the content management pot at the feature.

Content Management is for losers. Young people may have discovered the dark truth about digital media: the person who wins the right to store a piece of data has actually won the booby prize.

Well done Rushkoff, I tend to agree with alot of the sense he talks… Been also keeping an eye on Theoretical PerspectivesRushkoff's online classroom. With that and danny boy you can get some really good ideas about interaction design…

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Xhtml friends network

XFN Friendly

I briefly saw this in my offline reader while reading my news in the car on the way to the Twin cities but was obviously offline so couldnt check it out futher. However in the back of my head i've been meaning to catch up on XFN. It actually looks very good and so so simple compared to FOAF even though there not really compareable… Will start using XFN soon i think…

XFNâ„¢ (XHTML Friends Network) is a simple way to represent human relationships using hyperlinks. In recent years, blogs and blogrolls have become the fastest growing area of the Web. XFN enables web authors to indicate their relationship(s) to the people in their blogrolls simply by adding a 'rel' attribute to their a tags…

My first XFN link to Dave, just need to add profile to my blog pages and i'm ready to go… might do that in a bit before i sleep.Oh just to note I also added a GeoURL to all the pages too, while i was at it.

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