Remember First dates? and remember when I thought about going on Channel4 first dates?
Well I’ve always wondered when there was going to be bust up about who pays since I learned the whole dates are not paid for by Channel4.
@cubicgarden not this again.
— v1.0.0.betta.2 (@cbetta) October 17, 2015
Yes Crisitano this once again… after the ignite talk, radio debates, presentations, polls, etc, etc
Blame Tony who sent me the link to Mashable, where they cover the difficult exchange about payment for the meal and drinks.
Things seemed to be going okay until right at the very end of the date when the subject of paying for the meal came up — and everything suddenly got very awkward, very fast.
“Oh, we need to pay the bill,” said Elle, before moving the paper over to Mark’s side of the table.
Mark then asked if she was giving the bill to him, and Elle replied by saying: “Of course I’m giving it to you. I never pay on dates, why would I?
Finally I watched the whole episode myself and frankly I’m firmly shocked at her behaviour. In my mind he did little wrong and frankly he went in with the right idea of splitting the bill or going dutch.
Now I’m fully aware TV has a massive habit of slicing and dicing footage to make/add drama or make somebody look a certain way. But in this case, it could be the drink talking but I would have cut the date short. Aka no shots of tequila and certainly no after party.
But I still reject the notion that money shows interest. Aka the idea that I would pay the bill if I wanted to see the person again.
@C4FirstDates you pay the bill if you actually like the person and it has potential…… No potential, money grabber….. Split the bill!
— lisa davidson (@yayadavidson) October 15, 2015
But I will say there is no doubt this was a painful date and highlights the different way people think about how this should work. This is why I prefer to just take it off the table by both paying half.
#First dates @C4FirstDates couple awkwardly argues over who should pay bill. Really? http://t.co/tkuplBdAyk http://t.co/ocFSDW81N9
Oh my the blog I wrote is causing issues again on FB.
FB – https://t.co/UyuFQ1nVhS